Salutari lume,
Nu am mai scris de ceva vreme desi frustari despre care as putea scrie sunt multe, in special cele legate de ultimele evenimente din viata politica a tarisoarei noastre, insa se scriu multe de prea multi asa ca eu ma voi abtine.
Vreau sa scriu totusi de ceva cat de cat interesant. Ceva ce am descoperit saptamana trecuta si pe care am inceput sa il testez, sa vad daca e pe bune sau nu.
Asadar, o sa va prezint in continuare site-ul este cea mai complexa platforma GPT (Get Paid To) din Romania. Practic, esti platit pentru a rezolva diverse taskuri simple. Poti lucra de acasa sau de la birou, in pauze. Nu trebuie sa instalezi nimic pe calculatorul tau. Citeste informatiile de mai jos pentru a intelege cum functioneaza sistemul, care sunt drepturile si obligatiile tale. Daca nu gasesti informatiile dorite aici sau in termenii si conditiile de utilizare, ne poti contacta pe facebook.
I. Iata cum functioneaza:
1. Iti faci un cont gratuit pe site;
2. Primesti pe adresa de e-mail si in contul personal diverse misiuni (micro-taskuri);
3. Din cateva click-uri, rezolvi misiune si primesti imediat banii in cont;
Foarte important: sistemul va aloca taskuri in mod automat, pe criterii de performanta. De exemplu, primesti prioritate in alocarea de taskuri daca ai profilul completat corect si complet, daca ai inceput deja sa-ti formezi o echipa sau daca ai rezolvat deja in mod corect taskuri care ti-au fost alocate de sistem. Dupa rezolvarea unui numar relevant de taskuri, sistemul iti va genera o nota (indicele general de reputatie), in baza careia se va determina frecventa cu care iti vor fi alocate taskuri noi.
Indicele general de reputatie va creste sau va scadea in timp real, in functie de o serie de parametri. Spre exemplu, daca iti sunt atribuite de sistem taskuri pe care accepti sa le rezolvi, dar nu le completezi, acest indice scade, lucru care va atrage dupa sine diminuarea probabilitatii ca sistemul sa-ti aloce un task nou in perioada urmatoare. Exista doua obiective majore pentru care sistemul functioneaza in acest fel:
1. Utilizatorii seriosi primesc ceea ce merita, adica mai multe taskuri, implicit mai multi bani;
2. Noi, ca sistem, ne asiguram ca taskurile platite de client ajung la persoane care le vor rezolva in mod corect.
II. Am cont nou pe site, dar nu-mi apare nici un task. Ce trebuie sa fac?
In primul rand, citeste informatiile de la paragraful I.
Dupa ce te inregistrezi pe site, primul lucru pe care il poti face este sa-ti completezi profilul cu celelalte informatii necesare (locatie, sex, etc.). Este nevoie de acestea pentru a te califica in obtinerea de taskuri. Pasul urmator este realizarea unei echipe. Pentru a face acest lucru, trebuie sa trimiteti linkul dumneavoastar personal (il gasiti in cont) tuturor persoanelor care considerati ca ar fi interesate de acest sistem. O varianta mai usoara este sa publicati linkul pe facebook sau sa-l trimiteti prietenilor de pe Yahoo Messenger. Pentru detalii privind echipele, accesati pagina programului de afiliere Viespar.
Poti castiga bani si fara o echipa, insa este mai greu.
III. Cati bani poti castiga prin
Cel mai corect raspuns este "in functie de cat muncesti". Totusi, sunt cateva lucruri pe care trebuie sa le intelegi inainte de a te inscrie in acest program. este un site de micro-taskuri, usor de realizat in timpul liber. In majoritatea sistemelor de tip PTC (Pay-to-click) primesti intre 0.001 si 0.015 dolari pe click. Pe plata medie este de 0.05 dolari, adica primesti chiar si de 50 de ori mai multi bani.
Chiar si la acest nivel, nu este inca un sistem suficient de dezvoltat (nici macar in SUA) astfel incat sa poti castiga sute de dolari pe luna numai din realizarea acestor taskuri. Prin programul de afiliere, se poate insa ajunge la aceste sume, pentru ca primesti un procent si din incasarile realizate de cei care lucreaza in echipa ta.
IV. Cum pot sa primesc banii castigati?
Pentru incasarea banilor acumulati in contul este necesar sa atingi pragul minim de 100 USD, dupa care sa trimiti o solicitare de plata pe adresa de e-mail pana in data de 15 a lunii in curs. Banii sunt platiti catre tine in termen de 7 zile. Daca intr-o luna nu acumulezi suficienti bani pentru extragere, suma se trasnfera pe luna cealalta, astfel incat nu pierzi nici un cent.
Daca esti persoana fizica, la prima plata incheiem un contract de comision pe baza caruia primesti banii. Iti trimitem noi contractul, il completezi in doua exemplare si trimiti un exemplar inapoi. Pentru taxele catre stat, ti se scade impozitul de 16% din valoarea comisioanelor. Daca esti persoana juridica, esti platit pe baza unei facturi, dupa ce incheiem contractul.
V. Cine administreaza acest proiect?
Serviciul este furnizat de S.C. Fast Net Promotion S.R.L., CUI 23715799, J40/6693/2008 cu sediul social in Bucuresti, Sector 4, Sos. Oltenitei, nr. 73, cont: RO31FNNB003902711396RO02, Banca Credit Europe Bank - Piata Unirii, Bucuresti. Pentru detalii suplimentare, lasati un mesaj pe facebook sau pe (in atentia: Mihai Vinatoru).
Daca v-am facut curiosi, va puteti face cont si sa incercati si voi, sau puteti da click AICI si sa facem impreuna o echipa.
luni, 21 octombrie 2013
joi, 30 mai 2013
TrafficWave is operated by Hamney Roobright, Inc. located in Spring, Texas. Founded in the year 2000 by Brian Rooney and Stephen Hambright, develops and manages AutoResponder technology for small and medium sized businesses in over 100 different countries. Clients access our web-based AutoResponder system 24/7 to manage and send newsletters, sales letters, special offers, and other important communication to their subscribers. specializes in the creation and management of powerful and responsible marketing technologies designed to give clients superior service and results. has been called upon by the Federal Bureau of Investigations and Top Tier Internet Service Providers to provide credible information and testimony regarding responsible email marketing strategies.
Do you want to build a 5 Figure Income Online?
One of the simplest ways to achieve success is this:
1) Find someone that is doing what you want to do.
2) Do what they are doing.
Right now, I am working with a group of proven and successful online
professionals that have one very important thing in common:
We are making money. And we are making it very quickly.
Basically... we are doing what you want to do. This is why you requested my
free report.
We already have the system in place.
We already have a team of proven successful professionals.
We are cashing checks... weekly and monthly checks.
And I am about to show you how to do the same thing.
I can show you EXACTLY how to earn five figures online.
I will even personally pay to get you started (no kidding)
The question is... are you really ready to start making money online?
Are you ready to follow my system and actually start cashing checks?
If you are, it's time to take the following steps:
Step 1: Visit and
register for your 30 day free trial.
Step 2: Log in to your account (You'll get your login information in your
welcome email) and click on "Affiliate Manager". Then click "Matrix Buster".
Step 3: Read the information (Really READ it) and scroll down to the bottom
of the page to register. There is no fee to register. This just lets us know
that you are serious about working with our team so I can upgrade your account
for you.
Step 4: Click the tab labeled "MB Promotional Tools" and click "Add these Matrix Buster tools to my account".
This will cause your Matrix Buster tools to be set up for you automatically,
including an autoresponder pre-written with these same letters and coded
with your own Affiliate URL and two banners.
Then, be sure to go here to subscribe to our Matrix Buster Training Series:
This is a critical step to make sure you get the daily training you will need
to build your income to the 5 figure level as quickly as possible! specializes in the creation and management of powerful and responsible marketing technologies designed to give clients superior service and results. has been called upon by the Federal Bureau of Investigations and Top Tier Internet Service Providers to provide credible information and testimony regarding responsible email marketing strategies.
Do you want to build a 5 Figure Income Online?
One of the simplest ways to achieve success is this:
1) Find someone that is doing what you want to do.
2) Do what they are doing.
Right now, I am working with a group of proven and successful online
professionals that have one very important thing in common:
We are making money. And we are making it very quickly.
Basically... we are doing what you want to do. This is why you requested my
free report.
We already have the system in place.
We already have a team of proven successful professionals.
We are cashing checks... weekly and monthly checks.
And I am about to show you how to do the same thing.
I can show you EXACTLY how to earn five figures online.
I will even personally pay to get you started (no kidding)
The question is... are you really ready to start making money online?
Are you ready to follow my system and actually start cashing checks?
If you are, it's time to take the following steps:
Step 1: Visit and
register for your 30 day free trial.
Step 2: Log in to your account (You'll get your login information in your
welcome email) and click on "Affiliate Manager". Then click "Matrix Buster".
Step 3: Read the information (Really READ it) and scroll down to the bottom
of the page to register. There is no fee to register. This just lets us know
that you are serious about working with our team so I can upgrade your account
for you.
Step 4: Click the tab labeled "MB Promotional Tools" and click "Add these Matrix Buster tools to my account".
This will cause your Matrix Buster tools to be set up for you automatically,
including an autoresponder pre-written with these same letters and coded
with your own Affiliate URL and two banners.
Then, be sure to go here to subscribe to our Matrix Buster Training Series:
This is a critical step to make sure you get the daily training you will need
to build your income to the 5 figure level as quickly as possible!
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