marți, 4 septembrie 2012

7 zile in Grecia....partea I

Concediu, perioada 03.09.2012 - 12.09.2012. Putin timp liber, binemeritat in care sa pot sa ma eliberez de stresul cotidian, sa imi limpezesc gandurile astfel incat sa pot sa ma intorc la servici cu o minte limpede.

Si daca tot tre' sa ma reaxez, unde pot face asta cel mai bine, decat in bratele iubitei mele Natalia ( pe care o iubesc mai mult decat orice pe lumea asta ), stand pe o plaja in Hanioti, Halkidiki, Grecia.

Am plecat de acasa luni dupa amiaza, in jurul orei 18 din Timisoara si am ajuns marti dimineata in jurul orei 6 in Grecia. Aici check-in-ul la hotel l-am facut abia in jurul orei 14.00, asa ca pana atunci, am admirat rasaritul, am facut baie in mare si am lenevit, chiar adormit, pe plaja la soare (ma rog...sub umbrela).

Nu am poze de pe drum pentru ca am calatorit toata noaptea, iar ca impresii nu pot sa zic altceva decat ca, Sarbii, Macedonenii si Grecii, au drumuri departe de ale noastre, dar ceva mai bune...autstrazi foarte bune, marcaje si indicatoare care iti arata foarte bine unde si cum trebuie sa mergi.....adica sunt foarte bine organizati.

Destul cu vorbaria, hai sa va arat niste poze:




Daca v-am facut asteptati sa vedeti ce urmeaza mai departe. Asta a fost prima zi.

duminică, 26 august 2012

Drumuri, peisaje,,,,Romanesti

Salut, saptamana aceasta am vorbit cu cineva din Cehia, ce a venit prin tara noastra cu masina, a ajuns in Timisoara dupa care a plecat pana la Piatra-Neamt....repet, CU MASINA, iar cand l-am intrebat cum a fost drumul, mi-a zis : "Surprinzator, foarte bun. Nici eu nu ma asteptam sa fie asa bun."

Acuma eu nu am fost chiar asa departe cu masina, dar la sfarsitul lunii Iulie am fost pana in Orastie, dar eu nu am fost chiar asa de impresionat de drum, deoarece de la Lugoj - Faget si mai departe pana la soseaua de pe valea Muresului spre Deva, nu a fost chiar asa extreaordinar, ba mai mult, a tebuit sa am grija la destule gropi.

Insa, toata portiunea de la Faget la Orastie, compenseaza lipsa drumului foarte bun, cu peisajele foarte frumoase.

"The gost town of RECAS"

dupa cum ziceam...drum vechi, plin de crapaturi...

dar peisajele sunt minunate, serpentine cu vedere la vai adanci, ce-ti dau impresia ca drumul se termina si o sa cazi cu masina in prapastii mari, sau drumuri ce trec prin paduri cu copaci ale caror crengi fac un adevarat tunel....

luni, 9 iulie 2012

Cateva din parerile internationale cu privire la actuala noastra criza politica

Brussels. The European Commission expressed concern Friday at what it said appeared to be moves by the Romanian government to curb the powers of independent bodies, AFP reports.
The Commission's comments came after Romania's government voted to limit the power of the consitutional court and as deputies prepare to vote later Friday on a move to impeach the country's president.
"The Commission is concerned about current developments in Romania, especially regarding actions that appear to reduce the effective powers of independent institutions like the Constitutional Court," said a statement.
"The rule of law, the democratic checks and balances and the independence of the judiciary are cornerstones of the European democracy and indispensable for mutual trust within the European Union," it added.
"Government policy and political action must respect these principles and values."
Commission president Jose Manuel Barroso had spoken Friday with Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta to express their concerns, the statement said.

Washington. The United States expressed concern Friday over the impeachment of Romania's president by parliament, urging the European Union member state to ensure that the rule of law is respected, AFP reports.
"We are concerned about recent developments occurring in Romania, our NATO ally and partner, which threaten democratic checks and balances and weaken independent institutions, such as the courts," State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said in a statement.
Romania's parliament voted Friday to impeach center-right President Traian Basescu, with 256 out of 432 lawmakers voting in favor of the move. The impeachment will only take effect if approved in a referendum within 30 days.
"As the government contemplates the serious step of removing Romania's head of state, we urge that the process be conducted in a fully fair and transparent manner, with scrupulous respect for the rule of law and democratic ideals," Nuland said.
"The United States stands with our EU partners and urges that Romania uphold and protect the common values and principles that unite the European and trans-Atlantic community of nations."

Berlin. Germany said Friday it was worried by a mounting political crisis in Romania set to come to a head later in the day with a vote on the possible impeachment of President Traian Basescu, AFP reported.
"This is a development that the government is watching with deep concern, in particular we firmly believe that the Romanian constitutional court's independence and ability to take action must not be questioned," Chancellor Angela Merkel's spokesman told a regular briefing.

Criza politica din Romania conform WIKIPEDIA

The 2012 Romanian political crisis, also known in Romania as July 2012 (RomanianIulie 2012), consists of political conflicts between Cotroceni Palace and Victoria Palace as far as that goes representation of Romania to the European Council reunion of June 28, 2012.

President Traian Băsescu and Prime Minister Victor Ponta got in a constitutional judicial conflict due to representation of Romania to the European Council meeting of June 28, 2012. President Traian Băsescu submitted a complaint to the Constitutional Court in point of the conflict with Government concerning the representation on the European Council. Ponta declared to Mediafax agency that misconception claimed by President Băsescu to the Constitutional Court is between Presidency and Parliament, and Court judges can only determine the existence of a conflict, that can not be solved only by amending the Constitution.[1]
Parliament plenary adopted on June 12, 2012, with 249 votes in favor, 30 against and two abstentions, a political declaration recommending that at European Council meeting on June 28 Romania to be represented by Premier Victor Ponta, not by President Traian Băsescu.[2] That decission triggered a fierce conflict between the two Palaces. A week ago, President Traian Băsescu sent to Premier Victor Ponta a letter which drew attention that participation in the European Council without a mandate from the President legally equalizes with ownership of a constitutional prerogatives of the President. At a press conference, Ponta broke the letter, ironically replying this gesture.[3]
On June 27, Constitutional Court decides that the President is required to attend the European Council in Brussels. Ponta respond in a way that nobody expected. Government takes in authority the Official Monitor, delaying publication of the Constitutional Court decission, regarding participation in European Council and making the presence of Victor Ponta in Brussels to be legal.

On June 18, Traian Băsescu is put for the first time in difficulty. Hidroelectrica announces that it has asked insolvency. It was a move that Ponta hit the "smart guys", that revolves around PDL and Cotroceni Palace. In the same day, erupts the plagiarism scandal involving Victor Ponta. "Nature" magazine claims that Premier copied his dissertation in 2003.[4] Reuters agency writes that the situation made on the subject "fed political instability" in the country.[5]
On June 20, Former PSD leader and premier Adrian Năstase was sentenced to two years of imprisonment in dossier "Quality Trophy". In the evening of the same day, Năstase shot himself in house on Zambaccian, trying to commit suicide. Subsequently, the Social Democrat was transported to Floreasca Hospital.[6] A week later, Adrian Năstase is transferred at a prime time hour to Rahova Prison Hospital. PSD leader is removed on a stretcher in sight, as his humiliation to be maximum. On June 25, Senate decides to alter the functioning of the Constitutional Court law, that will not be able to rule on Parliament decisions, thus facilitating the procedure for suspension of the President. In the following days, Chamber of Deputies approved the referendum law amending, which establishes that the President can be dismissed easily, only half the votes of those who come to the polls. So far, law stipulated that the President is dismissed only if the proposal was passed by majority of voters registered on electoral lists. On June 27, Băsescu replies. Pure uninominal law, initiated by Victor Ponta and Crin Antonescu, is declared unconstitutional. In the same day, PDL attack to the Constitutional Court the referendum law and the Constitutional Court Law amending.
In press occurs rumors about filing a penal complaint at Parquet against Victor Ponta by Traian Băsescu, as the Prime Minister to be, then suspended from office. President denies this version, but accuses Ponta that represents illegitimate Romania in Brussels. National Council for Titles, Diplomas and Certificates establishes that Victor Ponta plagiarized in his PhD thesis. Council claims that 85 pages are copied and called for the title of doctor withdrawal. But, before the verdict, Interim Minister of Education, Liviu Pop, dissolved the National Council for Titles, Diplomas and Certificates, such that the decision is void.
On July 3, the Romanian Parliament, at proposal of majority represented by USL, vote dismissal of President of the Senate, PDL leader Vasile BlagaPresident of the Chamber of Deputies, PDL member Roberta Anastase and Ombudsman.[7] Through an Emergency Ordinance, overnment restricts the attributions of the Constitutional Court, so its vote can no longer influence the suspension of the President. More accurate, CCR judges may only give an advisory opinion on the matter.

Traian Băsescu was suspended as President of Romania, by Parliament, with 256 votes "pro" and 114 "contra". Likewise, two votes were canceled. After announcing the results, Parliament proposed that the presidential impeachment referendum to set for July 29, 2012, proposal approved by the plenary with 242 votes "pro".[8][9][10][11] Suspended president notified the Constitutional Court, calling for a constitutional legal conflict between president and Parliament. "I do not defend the seat, but I want to defend the office", President explained. Therewith, he reiterated accusations against USL and its leaders, accusing them of lying and wanted to subordinate the justice. "If I return as president it will still be impossible for thieves and impostors from politics to negotiate with me their calmness. I think that Romanians do not want the peace during Iliescu government. I can not guarantee that I will continue to be a strong nut for those who believe that Romania can go forward with a justice that protects thieves", Băsescu said.
He added that "suspender's great argument is that I haven't popularity", and if he will be reappointed at referendum and he will find Victor Ponta in office he will never entrust the prime minister function.
On the other hand, USL leaders Crin Antonescu and Victor Ponta ensured that there will be no pressure for justice and for other state institutions.
Victor Ponta said that during this period of political crisis his family received threats, having to resort to state institutions for protection.[12]

[edit]Reasons justifying suspension

  1. The President usurped the role of prime minister and substituted him in the constitutional attributions of the Government.
  2. The President repeatedly violated fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens provided in the Constitution.
  3. The President repeatedly violated the principle of separation of powers and judicial independence.
  4. The President has initiated an unconstitutional project to revise the Constitution and violated the constitutional review procedure provided by the fundamental law.
  5. The President abetted to breach of the Constitutional Court decisions and made direct pressure on the judges of the Court, making them "visits" before important decisions.
  6. The President systematically violated the principle of political non-possession of the person who serves as presidential function and abandoned his constitutional role of mediator in the state and society.
  7. The President seriously violated the Constitution and the fundamental principle of representative democracy, when he said he would not appoint a Prime Minister of the USL, even if this party will get absolute majority in Parliament.

Political turmoil from last week disunite Romanian society. Currently, the Romanian people is divided into two: anti-Băsescu and pro-Băsescu. Despite high temperatures, driven from behind by their parties or on their own, in several areas of the country, people began to leave the streets to defend their favorites or to disapprove their opponents. Thus, relatively peaceful protests have erupted in major cities of Romania. In Arad, protests turned violent, Băsescu's opposers and sympathizers confronted, but groups were quickly dispersed by gendarmes.[13] None of the groups participating in action on Thursday evening has no authorization, can not specifying how protests will last.[14]
Street protests were also organized in Bucharest. About one hundred people protested, on July 4, at University Square, against the political class. Those present displayed messages against exploitation in Roșia Montană and shale gas. At Victory Square, occurred a new demonstration against the current leadership, and came, as one day ago, former Prime Minister Mihai Răzvan Ungureanu. He argued that it is normal that people to leave in the streets, criticizing USL leader Ponta and Antonescu, which he said that "have succeeded to demonstrate how it can be trampled the Constitution". Ungureanu has transmitted to demonstrators that "he awaits them Thursday", in Revolution Square, where the Liberal Democratic Party announced the organization of an anti-USL meeting.
In the following days, protests were amplified, such that more than 2,000 people gathered at the meeting on Thursday evening, in University Square, in a demonstration in support of President Traian Băsescu, attended by prominent members of the PDL. From Thursday's protests were not without any incidents. Attending the pro-Băsescu meeting, Raluca Turcan went faint to the end of the meeting and another five people needed medical care after they felt sick to rally in Revolution Square.[15] Some demonstrators in University Square were fought, Thursday evening, and were separated by gendarmes in device on-site, that raised two people from among recalcitrants. Protesters had altercations after two of them were taken by the gendarmes.[16]
In Timișoara, the two groups of protesters were nearly to confront. PDL sympathizers and supporters of the President gathered Thursday evening in the center of Timișoara to denounce what they call abusive measures taken by Ponta government in last days. Spirits were heated when in the area has appeared a group of supporters of USL, shouting slogans against the President. The dispute between the two groups, initially only verbal, risked to degenerate, so gendarmes immediately intervened to appease spirits.[17]

Reference rate leu/euro announced on July 6 by BNR reached a new record high, of 4.5142 units, and the official rate for the dollar struck a new record and rose to 3.6480 lei/dollar, pending vote in Parliament to suspend President Traian Băsescu. Depreciation against the euro influenced the official parity leu/Swiss Franc, which rose with 3.03 bani, from 3.7279 lei/franc to 3.7582 lei/franc, and reached a new record for the last ten months. A higher official rate was recorded on September 5, 2011, when franc was at 3.8133 lei.[18]
After abuses in last week against legal state committed by Ponta government, Romania risks to remain at the gates of the Schengen Area, but mainly to run out European funds. After Tuesday, July 3, President of European People's Party Wilfried Martens warned that USL has started a plan to undermine the state, and Wednesday German MEPs leader Markus Ferber said he would initiate the suspension of Romania in the European Council for "lack of minimum standards functioning the legal state", stake increased substantially when Alain Lamassoure andElmar Brok asked the European Commission to prepare a report leading to suspension of voting rights of Romania in the European Council.[19]


  1. ^ "CCR decides today who will go to the European Council"Bună Ziua Iași
  2. ^ "Parliament sends Victor Ponta to the European Council"Agenda
  3. ^ "Prime Minister Victor Ponta officially announces its departure to Brussels. Presidency without reaction"
  4. ^ "Traian Băsescu and Victor Ponta are among the most hard fight for power in recent years"Ziua News
  5. ^ "Reuters: Allegations of plagiarism against Ponta fed instability in Romania"România TV
  6. ^ "Adrian Năstase shot himself in the neck. Ponta was at hospital"Adevă
  7. ^ "USL requires dismissal of Roberta Anastase and Vasile Blaga"Capital
  8. ^ "Traian Băsescu was suspended"Gâ
  9. ^ "Romanian president suspended"CNN
  10. ^ "Romania parliament votes to suspend President Băsescu"Euronews
  11. ^ "Romania parliament votes to suspend president"International Business Times
  12. ^ "Romanian President suspended By Parliament, referendum on July 29"
  13. ^ "Politicians have put enmity between Romanians"Cronica Română
  14. ^ "Conflict between participants in rallies against and pro-Basescu, in Arad"Gâ
  15. ^ "Pro- and anti-Băsescu protests in Bucharest: Political struggle moved into the street",România TV
  16. ^ "Pro- and anti-Băsescu protests in Bucharest. Some protesters were fought"Știrile PRO TV
  17. ^ "Protests took place in the country. Gendarmes intervened to calm the spirits in Timișoara"Știrile PRO TV
  18. ^ "Reference rates announced by BNR for euro and dollar rose to new historic high",
  19. ^ "Blocking the European funds, EU weapon against Ponta"România Liberă

Aceasta postare este un citat din site-ul Wikipedia. Cititi totul aici.

Care este situatia noastra in acest moment?

Ca avem o criza politica in acest moment o stie toata lumea, o vedem la TV, pe net, o simtim in buzunare si la cursurile valutare...etc; dar ce ziceti voi de articolul de mai jos publicat in INTERNAL PRESS SERVICE?

<<‘Reforms’ Legacy Rocks Romania Again>>

<< Romanian President Traian Basescu is close to being impeached after the Parliament suspended him Friday. The political crisis, however, distracts from citizens’ calls for a more responsive political class and a halt to declining standards of living.
Traian Basescu, originating from the centre-right Democratic Liberal Party (PDL), has been president since 2004 and is currently serving his second five-year mandate. He survived an earlier impeachment attempt in 2007: after the parliament suspended him, a referendum that went in his favour helped him keep power. But popular support for Basescu has dramatically decreased since.
Apart from the usual erosion of support for any politician in power, Basescu has lost sympathy on account of being the main proponent of austerity measures during the economic crisis, which in Romania were some of the harshest in Europe. State salaries were cut by 25 percent, most social benefits were slashed, and taxes increased to keep within budget deficit requirements associated with an IMF-EU loan of 20 billion euros contracted in 2009.
In January this year, Bucharest and other major cities saw unprecedented protests attended daily by thousands calling primarily for better political representation for citizens, and protesting declining standards of living. While the entire Romanian political class was a target of the January protesters, Basescu was particularly criticised for his perceived “authoritarianism”: the PDL government he appointed and kept a close grip on sought to pass important measures without parliamentary debate, including the healthcare privatisation law that sparked the January protests.
Basescu’s alleged authoritarianism and overstepping of his constitutional attributions has been invoked by the parliament as the reason for his impeachment both now and five years ago. This year, Romanians are expected to vote in a referendum on the impeachment by the end of the month. Preparing for this vote, the new Romanian anti-Basescu government has modified the referendum law through executive decree to make turnout irrelevant for the validity of the vote.
The current government is formed by an alliance (the Social Liberal Union, USL) made up of the centre-left Social Democratic Party of now Prime Minister Victor Ponta and the centre-right Liberal Party of current Senate President Crin Antonescu. USL took control of the executive two months back after the balance of power in the parliament shifted in their favour when a number of MPs changed their political affiliation from PDL to USL.
Despite using authoritarianism as a main criticism against Basescu, USL has been accused of using similarly heavy-handed tactics over the past two months. It replaced the heads of numerous public institutions, including the two chambers of parliament, the national ombudsman and the national television with USL members or allies.
In view of the impeachment, it not only modified the referendum law, but also changed the law governing the Constitutional Court to prevent the body from blocking the parliament’s impeachment decision. It additionally took control over the publication of the Official Gazette where laws have to be published to become binding.
Many people argue that the USL measures are forcing the limits of the law, rather than illegal. Nevertheless, the European Commission issued a press statement Friday expressing its “concern” about “the current developments in Romania, especially regarding actions that appear to reduce the effective powers of independent institutions like the Constitutional Court.”
In a consultative take on the impeachment, the Constitutional Court concluded that Basescu’s behaviour was stretching the limits of constitutionality, but nevertheless did not give grounds for impeachment. The Parliament voted for suspension nevertheless.
Responding to the impeachment vote, Basescu said: “Your main objective (of USL) is to achieve total control of the justice system (…) to defend criminals in your ranks. Your actions for the past two weeks are meant to deeply shake the rule of law and put it at the disposal of USL, with very negative consequences on the country.”
Both sides pitted against each other in the Romanian political crisis today stand accused of stretching legal limits. This is one of the main criticisms that the January protesters had against the Romanian political class.
“People on the streets in January were asking for Basescu’s resignation because of his authoritarian streak, the protests were targeting abuses of the rule of law,” sociologist Mircea Kivu told IPS.
In the days preceding the impeachment vote, hundreds of Romanians took to the streets of Bucharest and other cities again, with Bucharest clearly divided in three camps each located in a different square: pro-Basescu, anti-Basescu, and for the rule of law.
Kivu says protesters this week seemed more confused and less focused than those from January. “And this confusion will probably accentuate by the day,” he said, “there will be increasing divisions between the pro- and anti- Basescu camps as the referendum approaches even though this should not be the main concern, the main concern of people should be to distance themselves from abuses of power no matter their source.”
“January was for the first time when in Romania we heard protests against privatisations, against large corporations like Chevron (exploring for shale gas in Romania) or Rosia Montana Gold Corporation, against a deal with IMF that is absolutely destructive for the most vulnerable sectors of our society,” comments Costi Rogozanu from leftist platform Critic Atac.
“Now we have forgotten these issues,” Rogozanu told IPS. “While the Social-Democrats were raising some concerns about the IMF austerity requirements when in opposition, now they forgot about it and are rallying behind the predominant rightist discourse.
“The most serious threat to democracy we are seeing today in Romania is not the stretching of constitutional limits but the erosion of all social protection for our citizens,” Rogozanu added.>>

Ce ziceti fratilor de toate scandalurile astea? Haideti sa dezbatem putin....simt nevoia sa imi impart parerile cu cineva!

joi, 5 iulie 2012

Canotca Patzaikin de 10+1 se lansează la apă sâmbătă la Viena

Uitati ce am gasit azi in Romania Pozitiva :


Cursele de canotaj 10+1 de la Viena și Bratislava de sâmbătă și duminică inaugurează componenta sportivă a proiectului DANUBE CONNECTION. STORY & GLORY, aflat în desfășurare în Europa pe perioada verii. 

Concursul de la Viena reprezintă primul contact cu apa al canotcii de 10+1, cea mai recent construită barcă din colecția de ambarcațiuni Patzaikin. Sâmbătă, 7 iulie și duminică, 8 iulie, vor avea loc la Viena (Austria), respectiv Bratislava (Slovacia), primele două ediții internaționale ale competiției de canotaj 10+1. Aceasta va continua cu etapa a treia, de la Budapesta (Ungaria), din 14 iulie, și se va finaliza la Tulcea, la Festivalul Rowmania al bărcilor cu vâsle din 31 august – 2 septembrie.
„Atmosfera de întrecere internațională are un farmec aparte, participarea e mai intensă și bucuria câștigătorilor e pe măsură. Mă bucur că împreună cu prietenii de la ICR am reușit să includem în competiția de anul acesta etapele de la Viena, Bratislava și Budapesta. Vom avea o vară plină, vom coborî pe Dunăre înspre Tulcea, însoțind celelalte manifestări ale Proiectului DANUBE CONNECTION. STORY & GLORY. Sigur că Delta rămâne locul meu de suflet, dar Dunărea este un spațiu comun, care merită gustat din toate punctele de vedere: turistic, artistic, sportiv, într-un cuvânt, cultural. Ne propunem să canalizăm către Deltă energiile care s-au pus în mișcare odată cu aceste manifestări, astfel încât oamenii și locurile Deltei să fie puse deopotrivă în valoare, și mai ales să transmitem mesajul că te poți bucura de natură fără s-o strici.” a declarat Ivan Patzaichin la plecarea către Viena.
„Canotca” este o ambarcațiune din lemn originală, cu un design unicat, realizată pe baza meșteșugului marangozilor din Deltă. Este o canoe ca o lotcă, preluând ce e mai bun de la fiecare: materialul și stabilitatea lotcii, combinate cu dinamismul unei canoe de competiție. Canotca de două locuri a fost inaugurată de Ivan Patzaichin la ediția din 2011 a Festivalul Rowmania, iar anul acesta a fost realizată în premieră canotca de 10+1.
Proiectul DANUBE CONNECTION. STORY & GLORY a fost construit în jurul ideii de promovare a identității culturale a spațiului dunărean prin promovarea unei mişcări eco-culturale şi eco-tehnologice.

Cele trei secţiuni ale proiectului sunt:

PLUG TO NATURE – artă şi industrii creative. Instalaţie de artă contemporană.
Viena, Karlsplatz, 22 iunie – 23 iulie
ROWMANIA – stil de viaţă sustenabil. Competiție internațională de canotcă, pentru echipaje de 10+1 participanţi, indiferent de vârstă, constituţie sportivă şi experienţă.
Viena, etapa I, Gänsehäufel Strandbad, 7 iulie, orele 11.00 – 14.00
Bratislava, etapa a II-a, Čunovo Water Sports Centre, 8 iulie, orele 14.00 – 17.00
Budapesta, etapa a III-a, Lágymányosi Öböl, 14 iulie, orele 10.00 – 16.00
Tulcea, etapa finală, 31 august – 2 septembrie, Faleza Dunării şi Lacul Ciuperca
iMYTH – mitologia dunăreană. Instalaţie video outdoor realizată de Daniel Dorobanțu, artist vizual și muzician
Viena, 7 iulie, ora 21.00, Domul Sfântul Ştefan
Bratislava, 8 iulie, ora 21.00, proiecţie în zona Centrului Comercial Eurowea
Budapesta, 13 iulie, ora 21.00, Hotel Le Meridien, iMYTH
Tulcea, 2 septembrie, ora 21.00, proiecţie Faleza Dunării
DANUBE CONNECTION. STORY & GLORY este un proiect transnaţional iniţiat de Institutul Cultural Român, ICR Viena, ICR Praga şi ICR Budapesta, împreună cu Asociaţia „Ivan Patzaichin – Mila 23”, sub patronajul Ministerului Afacerilor Europene şi Internaţionale al Austriei şi al Ministerelor de Externe al Ungariei şi al Slovaciei. Proiectul este realizat în conformitate cu direcţiile stabilite de Strategia UE pentru Regiunea Dunării, adoptată în decembrie 2010.
Este un proiect novator, care îşi propune să schimbe imaginea Deltei Dunării, percepută până acum ca spaţiu mirific, însă subdezvoltat cultural, social şi economic. De asemenea, proiectul urmărește să dezvolte o platformă interactivă şi interdisciplinară în spaţiul dunărean, încurajând dezbateri pe marginea unor teme de interes european precum: preocuparea pentru un stil de viaţă sustenabil, stimularea creativităţii artistice ca instrument de promovare a valorilor comune şi neperisabile, protecţia mediului, dezvoltare durabilă.
Prin proiectul itinerant DANUBE CONNECTION. STORY & GLORY, Institutul Cultural Român şi Asociaţia „Ivan Patzaichin – Mila 23“ îşi asumă rolul de colector de energii creative şi mitologii comune în spaţiul dunărean şi propun un model de best practice la care se pot asocia, începând cu ediţia din 2013, organizaţii, instituţii şi firme interesate, din toate ţările riverane Dunării.
Organizatori: Institutul Cultural Român, filialele Viena, Praga, Budapesta şi Asociaţia „Ivan Patzaichin – Mila 23”
Partenerii proiectului: Asociaþia, ASKÖ Wien, Ruderverein STAW, Centru Informare Culturalã a oraºului Bratislava, Primãria Bratislava, Asociaþia de canoisticã din Slovacia, Arealul Sportiv Cunovo, Federaþia Maghiarã de Caiac-Canoe (Magyar Kajak-Kenu Szövetség), Hotel Le Meridien Budapest, Lágymányosi Öböl (Golful Lágymányosi).

Se poate poate sa auzim si lucruri bune despre Romania si despre Romani.....trebuie doar sa ne chinuim putin sa facem lucruri bune si de trebuie sa ne chinuim sa lasam deoparte fotbalul, steaua si pe Gigi Becali si sa scriem / filmam alte lucruri mult mai interesante.
Sunt curios, cati dintre voi au auzit de acest proiect? Eu unul, pana azi nu am stiut nimic.